Strings In Java Language [full-Explanation] - Tricks For Coding
Strings in Java:
Strings, which are generally utilized as a part of Java, for writing computer programs, are a grouping of characters. In the Java programming language, strings are like everything else, objects. The Java platform provides the String class to make and control strings.
Instantiating Strings:
The most appropriate approach to make a string is to use the following statement:
String mystring = “Hi world!”;
At whatever point it experiences a string exacting in your code, the compiler makes a
String object with its value for this situation, “Hi world!’.
Similarly, as with other objects, you can make Strings by utilizing a constructor and a new keyword. The String class has eleven constructors that permit you to give the starting estimation of the string utilizing diverse sources, for example, a cluster of characters.
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create first string
String first = "Introduction To Strings ";
System.out.println("First String: " + first);
// create second
String second = "To Java By Tricks For Coding";
System.out.println("Second String: " + second);
// join two strings
String joinedString = first.concat(second);
System.out.println("Joined String: " + joinedString);
Note: The String class is changeless so that once it is made a String object, its type can’t be changed. In the event that there is a need to make a lot of alterations to the Strings of characters, then you ought to utilize String Buffer & String Builder Classes.
Determining String Length:
Routines used to get data about an object are known as accessor methods. One accessor technique that you can use with strings is the length() function, which furnishes a proportional payback of characters contained in the string item. This function can be utilized in the following manner:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Here str is a string object
String str = "Tricks For Coding";
"The size of "
+ "the String is "
+ str.length());
How to Concatenate Strings:
The String class incorporates a function for connecting two strings:
This returns another string that is mystring1 with mystring2 added to it toward the end. You can likewise utilize the concat() system with string literals, as in:
“My name is “.concat(“mary”);
Strings are all the more usually concatenated with the + administrator, as in:
“Hi,” + ” world” + “!”
which brings about:
“Hi, world!”
Sample Implementation:
class Concatenation{
public static void main(String args[]){
String s1="Tricks For Coding";
String s2=", The Best Website for Coding & Tech related content.";
String s3=s1.concat(s2);
Format Strings:
You have format() and printf() functions to print the output with designed numbers. The function format() of the String class returns a String object as against a Printstream object. This function creates a formatted string that can be reused. This function can be used in the following manner:
public class FormatExample{
public static void main(String args[]){
String name="Tricks For Coding";
String sf1=String.format("name is %s",name);
String sf2=String.format("value is %f",45.77);
String sf3=String.format("value is %32.12f",45.77);
String Methods:
This section contains a list of methods that are available as part of the String class.
- int compareTo(Object obj) – This function compares the specified string with the object concerned.
- char charAt(int chindex) – This function returns the char present at the index value ‘index.’
- int compareToIgnoreCase(String mystr) – This function performs the lexographic comparison of the two strings. However, the case differences are ignored by this function.
- int compareTo(String aString) – This function performs the lexographic comparison between the strings.
- boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer strb) – This function checks if the string is same as the sequence of characters present in the StringBuffer. It returns true on success and false on failure.
- String concat(String strnext) – This function appends the string with another string at the end.
- static String copyValueOf(char[] mydata, int xoffset, int xcount) – This function returns a stringf, which is indicative of the character sequence in the original string.
- static String copyValueOf(char[] newdata) – This function copies the string of characters into a character buffer in the form of a sequence of characters.
- boolean equals(Object aObject) – This function compares the object with the string concerned.
- boolean endsWith(String newsuffix) – This function appends the string with the specified suffix.
- byte getBytes() – Using this function, the string can be encoded into bytes format, which are stored in a resultant array.
- boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String aString) – This function makes a comparison of the two strings without taking the case of characters into consideration.
- void getChars(int srcBegin, int sourceEnd, char[] dst, int destinationBegin) – This function copies characters from the specified beginning character to the end character into an array.
- byte[] getBytes(String charsetnm) - Using this function, the string can be encoded into bytes format using a named char set, which is stored in a resultant array.
- int indexOf(int charx) – This function returns the index of the first character that is the same as the character specified in the function call.
- int hashCode() – A hash code is returned by this string.
- int indexOf(String newstr) - This function returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
- int indexOf(int charx, int fromIndexloc) – This function returns the index of the first character that is same as the character specified in the function call. The search starts from the specified index.
- String intern() – A canonical representation of a string object given in the function call is returned.
- int indexOf(String newstr, int fromIndexloc) - This function returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. The search starts from the specified index.
- int lastIndexOf(int charx, int fromIndexloc) - This function makes a search for a character from the specified index and returns the index where the last occurrence is found.
- int lastIndexOf(int charx) - This function makes a search for a character backward and returns the index where the last occurrence or first occurrence in a backward search is found.
- int lastIndexOf(String newstr, int fromIndexloc) – This function makes a search for a substring from the specified index and returns the index where the last occurrence is found.
- int lastIndexOf(String newstr) - This function makes a search for a sub-string backwards and returns the index where the last occurrence or first occurrence in a backward search is found.
- boolean matches(String aregex) - – This function checks for equality between a string region and a regular expression.
- int length() – This function calculates and returns the string length.
- boolean regionMatches(int totaloffset, String otherstr, int otheroffset, int strlen) – This function checks for equality between string regions.
- boolean regionMatches(boolean ignorecharcase, int totaloffset, String otherstr, int otheroffset, int strlen) – This function checks for equality between string regions.
- String replace(char oldCharx, char newCharx) - This function looks for a substring that matches the regular expression and then replaces all the occurrences with the specified string. The function returns the resultant string, which is obtained after making all the replacements.
- String replaceFirst(String newregex, String newreplacement) – This function looks for a substring that matches the regular expression and then replaces the first occurrence with the specified string.
- String replaceAll(String newregex, String xreplacement) - This function looks for a substring that matches the regular expression and then replaces all the occurrences with the specified string.
- String[] split(String newregex, int xlimit) – This function performs splitting of the string according to the regular expression with it and the given limit.
- String[] split(String newregex) - This function performs splitting of the string according to the regular expression with it.
- boolean startsWith(String newprefix, int totaloffset) – This function checks if the given string has the prefix at the specified index.
- boolean startsWith(String newprefix) – This function checks if the given string begins with the prefix sent with the function call.
- String substring(int beginIndexloc) - This function returns a string, which is substring of the specified string. The substring is determined by the beginning index to the end of the string.
- CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndexloc, int endIndexloc) - This function returns a character sequence, which is sub-character sequence of the specified character sequence. The substring is determined by the beginning and ending indexes
- char[] toCharArray() – This function performs the conversion of a string to a character array.
- String substring(int beginIndexloc, int endIndexloc) – This function returns a string, which is a substring of the specified string. The substring is determined by the beginning and ending index.
- String toLowerCase(Locale localenew) - This function converts all the characters in the specified string to lowercase using given locale rules.
- String toLowerCase() - This function converts all the characters in the specified string to lowercase using default locale rules.
- String toUpperCase() - This function converts all the characters in the specified string to upper case using default locale rules.
- String toString() – This function returns the string itself.
- String toUpperCase(Locale localenew) – This function converts all the characters in the specified string to upper case using locale rules.
- static String valueOf(primitive data type x) – A string representation is returned by this function.
- String trim() – Omits the whitespace that trails and leads a string.
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